When we had arrived the contractions had become almost unbearable but I was holding my focus using the breathing techniques that Nerissa had taught us and also the visualisation techniques I had learnt in my hypnotherapy sessions. I was examined and was only 6 cms dilated and so I was able to jump into the pool. I suddenly had an incredible urge to pushl. Graham was panicking, telling me to stop pushing as it wasn't time but despite trying, my body completely took over and continued to push.
13 minutes later, Arley was born. I didn't have time for gas and air or any other pain relief! I was able to wait for the cord to stop pulsating before Graham cut the cord, but I had started to bleed and so I had the injection to remove the rest of the placenta. Luckily the bleeding slowed but I had a 3rd degree tear and was transferred to the LRI. While we were waiting for the ambulance I had some really special skin to skin time and managed Arley's first feed. He was weighed and when they announced that he was 8lb 8oz I was so shocked! He looked so small!
He is now 5 weeks and 5 days. He was born with a tongue and lip tie and so breastfeeding has been difficult but we are persevering. We had the tongue tie divided when he was 6 days old and we are having the lip tie divided next week and so hopefully feeding will improve from this point!
Thank you, Nerissa, for helping me have the completely natural experience I was so desperate for after my first birth was so traumatic. I am so grateful.